“Retirement isn’t so bad. Give me a tall drink, a plush sofa and a rerun of ‘Matlock,’ and you can have the rest. Matlock is my hero. He never loses.” – Ken Venturi
After retirement, there is certainly more time for watching reruns of old cop dramas. However, being able to retire often means having both the time and money to pursue hobbies that you couldn’t enjoy often enough while you had to handle a full-time job and raising a family. For instance, if you love American Indian art but have never had the time to visit every museum and gallery, retirement is the perfect time to do that. Regardless of what your favorite hobby might be, choosing to buy or build a home where you get as much enjoyment as possible is a great idea.
If you happen to be interested in American Indian art, then you might want to think about moving to Santa Fe. The city is home to a number of great art museums, like the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, galleries, and art special events all year. Plus, the East Side is home to some original adobe homes that date all the way back to 1912 and have superb historical value with unique exterior and interior design. Of course, not every retiree is interested in art, but it is a great place to go if you want to regularly view both historical and contemporary pieces or maybe even start a hobby of your own.
Even if art isn’t really your thing, and you’d rather just golf all day or sit out and enjoy the sunshine, heading to Santa Fe is still a great idea. According to the American Lung Association, Santa Fe has the second-highest air quality in the United States, which means people who live there don’t have to worry about pollution and smog like other city-dwellers. And, residents don’t have to deal with a bitterly cold winter every year (even if the Polar Vortex might have caused temperatures to dip lower than normal).
Retiring is one of the most popular factors that cause people to move, and there are lots of factors to consider when trying to decide where to go. Santa Fe is a great destination for anybody who enjoys American Indian art, or simply wants to spend their retirement in a more comfortable environment. Though it might not have the same notoriety as some larger or more commonly-discussed cities, homes in Santa Fe will prove to be a great choice for anyone who relocates to the area. For more information, read this website: santafeexclusives.com