While an item like a compact walk in bathtub can take up less room in your bathroom that a traditional bathtub would while providing both convenience and safety, if you have the space in your bathroom, you could have both a walk in tub and a fiber glass shower base so that either bathing experience can be enjoyed. While you might certainly feel that walk in tubs are a luxury item, the right fiber glass shower base can provide you with a luxurious experience as well. In fact, by having a fiber glass shower base installed, you can feel like you are in a rainforest every time you step into the shower and even enjoy a massage if you get a massaging shower head to compliment it.
Something else you will want to think about in regards to your remodel is replacing the current toilet in your bathroom with a modern toilet. While the precursor to all modern toilets could be found at Richmond Palace in 1600 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, you will see that there are many more advances that have taken place with the technology today. In fact, you will find toilets today that use a fraction of the water of their older counterparts, are pressure assisted, and are crafted to look much nicer as well. In the end, by replacing all of the major fixtures in your bathroom including the toilet and bathtub or shower, you will have a better experience.